Steph Peltier

Our Experts

clock Released On 06 October 2020

Steph Peltier

Steph Peltier is a happiness expert and founder of The Happiness Society, a real brain hacker! On top of doing the usual coachy things, she teaches her clients the Science of Happiness, a series of cutting-edge, evidence-based and practical techniques that helps them live a happier and more successful life. She helps her clients rewire their brain to build a super strong mindset, to feel calmer, more in control, to manage stress efficiently, to become more optimistic, experience more positive emotions and ultimately to build the confidence to create the life that they want.

Steph trained with the biggest names in psychology and personal development such as Tony Robbins, Dacher Keltner, Marisa Peer and Professor Rick Hanson. She is an expert in the Science of Happiness at work & at play, a certified Meditation & Mindfulness teacher, HeartMatch Coach and Positive Neuroplasticity Training practitioner.


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