Resource Hub: New Parents

The transition to parenthood involves significant changes and adjustments for new parents, especially when combined with managing a corporate career. This page contains content which has been created to help new parents through this time, delivered through Videos and Shorts available On Demand, Articles and Podcasts. Topics span practical and emotional preparation for becoming a parent, taking parental leave and support through the period of returning to work

Preparing for Parental Leave

Going on parental leave and returning to work brings many challenges, but you don’t have to face them alone.

There are many sources of support you can draw on at this time. In this chapter article, taken from the new book ‘Working Parents-to-be’, we’ll take a look at the type of support you might need, how to identify who could help and how to make sure they are as receptive as possible when you need them.

Read more about this in our expert article : Developing Your Support Network Before Taking Parental Leave with Catherine Oliver

Read the article here

Short Video: Preparing for Parental Leave with Catherine Oliver

For most of us, when we find out we're soon going to be welcoming a child to our family, a lot of the focus is understandably on preparing for their arrival and thinking about your handover and who might cover your role. The rest is tomorrow's problem!

In this short video, Catherine shares some of the other things to think about, that will not only help you have a smooth parental leave, but also help you when it comes to returning to work.

Short Video: How to Financially Plan for a Baby with Kate Guild

In this short video Katie Gould of Nugget Savings helps navigate through the financial side of parental leave. Having a baby is one of the most seismic things to happen to your finances. Katie is here to help you work out how to plan and manage your finances.

Supporting New Parents

Podcast: Birth Trauma with Liz Poole

Birth Trauma - [Trigger warning]. In this episode, we hear from independent health visitor and birth trauma specialist Liz Poole about the different types of trauma people may experience around birth, how this trauma can manifest itself if the associated emotions are not fully processed and how colleagues and friends can support those we suspect might be suffering. 

Short Video: Supporting Employees Returning to Work with Jessica Chivers 

Do you know how to boost a colleague’s confidence after parental leave? In this short film coaching psychologist and author of Mothers Work! How to Get a Grip on Guilt and Make a Smooth Return to Work, Jessica Chivers, shares how best to support colleagues returning from maternity, adoption and shared parental leave. 

Preparing for Life After Parental Leave

Ensuring you effectively use the Keeping in Touch (KIT) days available to you whilst on your maternity leave can ensure a much smoother and positive return to work once maternity leave is over.  However, a lack of awareness and useful guidance on how to use your KIT days means that many working mums are missing out.

This guide aims to ensure more working parents fully utilise their available (KIT) days, get paid to do so and maximise the value gained.  By building a plan, sharing this with your manager and jointly agreeing on expectations you will feel more connected with work whilst on leave as well as increased confidence as you navigate your subsequent return to work. 

Read more about this in our expert article : 8 Ways to Make the Most of Your KIT Days with Rachel Jackson

Read the article here

Short Video: Building Self-Confidence after Maternity Leave with Abbi Buszard

While it can be absolute bliss to come back to hot coffee and adult conversation, returning to work after maternity can (temporarily) dent your self-confidence. This 12 minute video from coach and consultant Abbi Buszard, a stepmum and mum to a crazy-but-cute toddler, is packed with actionable tips to help you create the space and network to go through this tricky transition.

Short Video: Skills Developed On Parental Leave And How They Apply To Work with Catherine Oliver

When we return to work following parental leave, a lot of the focus is on what you missed while you were away. Who's joined, who's left, what the new priorities can feel on the back foot and like you're playing catch up. Little attention is given to what you've gained from your time on parental leave. In this short video, Catherine shares her insights on the skills that new parents typically find they have developed or enhanced while they've been on leave and how these can make a real difference to how you do your job and your value as an employee.

Expert Article: Childcare, The Options

Looking for childcare? What childcare options are there? And how can you bring the cost down?

You’re pregnant. The birth is looming and you think you’ve got everything planned. Birth plan – check. Overnight bag packed – check. Stacks of teeny weeny nappies in the bedroom – check. How organised are you! Or are you? Have you got the whole childcare thing sorted out yet? Human resources experts say many women leave it till the last minute to arrange childcare and this can cause untold problems and stress and make your return to work that much harder. 

Read more about this in our expert article with Mandy Garner

Read the article here

Returning to Work

"I spoke with a friend who is just about to go off on maternity leave with her second child and during our chat she mentioned that she feels so much more relaxed this time around. We spoke about how much time we had both spent during our first maternity leave thinking and worrying about work. It got me thinking about things that I wish I’d known about coming back to work after having a baby..."

Read more about this in our expert article : Returning to Work after Parental Leave with Dr Chrissy Jones

Read the article here

Video: Positive Mindset When Returning From Parental Leave with Jayne Ruff

Our mind can be both our greatest demand and our greatest resource during times of change and uncertainty. This video explores some practical ways we can make positive mindset shifts that will help to build our psychological strength during the parental transition back to work. We look at our mindset towards:


- The return-to-work change journey and how to navigate the emotional highs and lows you may experience along the way
- Achieving balance and the importance of tuning into what’s most important to you to help reframe how you respond to time pressures and guilt
- Personal growth and the need to re-focus on what you’ve gained through parental leave and the unique strengths you bring to your role

Podcast: Becoming a Working Parent with Laura Nakano and Abigail Hadley

Becoming a Working Parent: Laura Nakano and Abigail Hadley from Accenture talk to us about the transition to working parenthood. Abby shares her experience of taking parental leave, returning to work and different working patterns and Laura talks about Accenture's Expectant Parents Network and how employers can support their working parent employees.

Expert Article: Be a Boundaries Ninja and Avoid the ‘Work-Life Blur’

Even in ordinary times, many parents struggle to balance work and family commitments. Add working from home and the challenges Covid-19 has brought into the mix and these struggles are amplified, creating a real ‘work-life blur’.

Parents need to balance their conflicting and sometimes overwhelming responsibilities by setting clear boundaries, even more so in a world that’s working remotely. And in order to really be effective, you need to set limits and be realistic about how much time there is in a day.

Here are 5 practical steps you can take to becoming a boundaries ninja at home to avoid work-life blur.

Read more about this in our expert article with Lucinda Quigley

Read the article here

New Parents : Real Life Stories

Real Life Stories: Extended Parental Leave with Robert Colvin

Our 'Real Life' series shares stories about overcoming challenges and changing mindsets to educate, motivate and inspire you.

In this video we hear from Robert Colvin who shares his experience of taking extended parental leave twice and the impact on his career and relationship with his wife and children.

Real Life Stories: Post Partum Mental Health with Eve Canavan    

In this short video Eve Canavan shares her experience of postpartum psychosis, how she finally got the help she needed and why she set up Maternal Metal Health Awareness Week.


The WorkLife Central Blog

Since our origins in late 2012, we've published a weekly blog sharing the real life experiences and perspectives of individual members balancing work and parenthood. Here are some highlights which are particularly relevant to new parents:

Louise’s Blog: Back to Work and Back to Maternity Leave

Dolly's blog: Dear Me

Jo's blog: On Being A Returner

Julia's blog: New Parents All Over Again


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