Nazish Bhaiwala

Our Experts

clock Released On 06 October 2020

Nazish Bhaiwala

Founder and Career Coach at Red Arbre.

Nazish Bhaiwala, Founder and Career Coach at Red Arbre, is a former employment lawyer and qualified workplace mediator who coaches professionals on being happier at work. 

Nazish specialises in Imposter Syndrome at work and presents seminars and coaches professionals on overcoming their imposter feelings.  In 2018 she carried out a series of interviews of female international human rights lawyers from all over the world about their experiences of Imposter Syndrome. Combining this global scale learning with her own coaching experience means she has an in-depth and unique understanding of Imposter Syndrome and the coaching tools and strategies that can help to overcome it.

Nazish has worked with a variety of lawyers from both the corporate and international NGO sectors, as well as management consultants, finance professionals and UN personnel.  She also works in the social enterprise sector.


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