Ian Dinwiddy

Our Experts

clock Released On 06 October 2020

Ian Dinwiddy

Ian Dinwiddy is a coach, mentor and the founder of Inspiring Dads. He delivers coaching, presentations and workshops to innovative businesses who put supporting new dads at the heart of their gender equality strategy, recognising the positive impact on equality and well-being of helping dads solve the challenge of “how to be a great dad WITHOUT sacrificing a great career.”

An ex-Management consultant, twice a stay at home dad and an English National League hockey umpire, he’s the co-host of 46 episodes of the Lockdown Dads podcast, where he interviewed politicians, PhDs and an international rock star.  He delivers webinars such as “Supporting Dads at Work, a Route to Gender Equality” and workshops covering topics such as “The Emotional and Practical Impacts of Becoming a Dad” and “The Dad You Want To Be - Tips For Fathering Success.” A big focus of his current work is implementing “The New Dads Accelerator” – a blend of remote learning and group coaching for dads with children under 1 year old. 


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