Why Diversity Matters
Diversity comes in many forms some of which include age, gender, race, religion, disability, and socio-economic background. Creating and fostering a diverse workplace should be high on the agenda for any progressive organisation. In this article we will discuss why diversity is important and how inclusion plays a part in achieving long term success and employee wellbeing.
Why should diversity be on the agenda?
Firstly, it is the right thing to do. Employing people that are reflective of today’s society and the modern world makes business sense. HR professionals will note that people are the key to a business’s ongoing success. Research shows that a diverse workforce can improve a company’s bottom line. Organisations can benefit from a mix of life experience, blend of cultures and departure from group thinking. As clients become more and more progressive and the world more globalised forward thinking and well-rounded businesses are likely to perform better than those not open to change.
The current climate
As a black female professional working in the City, I can speak to my own experiences of why I believe diversity and inclusion are fundamental. Recent events have yet again shone light on the need to embrace diversity and address racism and any forms of discrimination head on. It is also important that organisations understand the effect racism (in its various forms) can have on employees and their performance and that this is looked at in context when dealing with performance related issues especially where employees are experiencing bullying or harassment.
This is also an opportunity for organisations to consider implementing Anti-Racism policies to hold individuals and the wider business to account, note that race discrimination is unlawful in recruitment and workplace settings.
Employee experience
It is important that organisations aim to help and support staff if workplace barriers are preventing them from meeting job expectations. Employees should not suffer due to a diverse characteristic they possess and should be empowered by their employer when dealing with such issues. One way to do this is to keep an open dialogue with employees throughout the year being mindful not to only check in during notable celebrations of diversity.
Often time a failure to deal with workplace issues as they arise could lead to employees leaving prematurely. It is also important to note that such data surrounding reasons for leaving is not always captured by HR on an employee exit which means the company may miss the opportunity to address such issues going forward.
It's everyone’s responsibility
While HR will be responsible for creating policies and procedures to address diversity. Senior management and the executive branch of the organisation need to be involved and invested in furthering diversity, executive level buy-in is paramount when addressing such issues. Ultimately, the tone comes from the top and works its way down to staff including those in middle management who the company should train and support to assist them in the drive to live the company’s values and objectives regarding the creation of an inclusive culture.
Don’t forget inclusion
It is paramount that organisations have fair recruitment practices that enable them to attract the best talent from diverse backgrounds. Whilst some organisations may use contextualised recruitment and blind CV reviews this should not end when a candidate obtains the role. Employers have a duty of care toward their staff which includes supporting their wellbeing and inclusion plays a part in this especially when dealing with diverse employees.
Feeling included gives employees, a sense of belonging, value, and importance, this all contributes to a good company culture and increased retention of the great talent that organisations work so hard to attract. Ultimately diversity initiatives will not be a successful as they can be without inclusion.
Studies show that employees that feel valued and appreciated at work tend to work harder and be more productive. A good culture is also likely to improve a company’s reputation and could lead to the attraction of more diverse talent.
Inclusion is something that should be embedded in a company’s culture. It can be difficult for HR to monitor culture in every area of a company and therefore open conversations are important as is working to foster an environment where staff feel empowered to speak up without fear of reprisal or being victimised.
Reflection points:
- Does your organisation have an Equal Opportunities policy and is it enforced?
- Has your organisation created a safe space for employees to discuss concerns?
- What is the view at board or management level on diversity? Is management reflective of the workforce?
- Is the view of management filtered down and reflected in company culture?
- Does your organisation have a mentoring programme and is it utilised?
- What more can be done to improve inclusion and whose involvement is needed?
Creating a diverse and inclusive organisation is not an overnight process however it is important and should be tracked and scrutinised by senior management and HR. Where possible work with staff and try to include them in the change process as often they can provide real time insight and offer feedback on proposals.
This article was written in September 2020 By Diarra Brown and re-published in 2021. Diarra Brown is a qualified Solicitor with a focus on Employment Law matters. Diarra is passionate about diversity and inclusion, meaningful employee relations and social mobility.