Take Time to Take Stock This Summer
Do you ever notice that inspiration, creativity and perspective just seem to flow more naturally during or after a good holiday?
Why is that?
It’s because when you take a break, you “switch-off” your mind and get back into your body.
Much of our time is spent stuck in our heads.
Our mind is always in one of three time-zones;
- The future - with all of the stories of what may occur, the have-to’s and need-to’s. This is where anxiety is created. And because none of it has happened yet, it’s all fiction.
- The past - replaying previous events, each time re-writing our own version of the story. This is the space where regret lives. Each replay becomes less faithful than the original, and so this is also pure fiction.
- The present - our mind rarely inhabits this space, but it is the only place where we get to really appreciate, enjoy and deal with the situation in front of us. Instead of the story about it, which is never a very effective strategy.
Your body on the other hand only exists in the present. You will know this if you’ve ever stubbed your toe, or been silenced by the sight of a breath-taking sunset..
Access the part of your brain that serves you
By tapping into the physical sensations of your body, you switch off the narrative circuitry in your mind, and this allows your prefrontal cortex (PFC) to come online. This is your “Sage” brain that is all about perspective, creativity, resourcefulness, compassion and awareness.
This is why you tend to have so many brilliant ideas and moments of perspective when on holiday.
It’s because you give yourself the space and time needed, and tap into the part of your brain that serves you.The part that goes beyond survival, and towards self-alignment and long-term success and happiness.
Disconnect to reconnect
Getting present and into your body is difficult if you live your life waiting for and responding to the next e-mail or whatsapp message.
This keeps you in a state of constant fire-fighting.
Just the thought of having to respond to work issues has a physiological effect on your stress levels.
Stress impacts so many things, including digestion, sex-drive, sleep, physical and mental wellbeing, as well as long-term health issues such as heart-attacks and depression.
And the beauty of holidays is that it allows you to unhook and give your adrenals a well needed break.
So consider taking time-out as an act of kindness.
You wouldn’t think twice about taking your car in for regular servicing to maintain optimal mileage and efficiency would you?
So how much more important are you than your car? And how far can you go when you’re running on empty?
So go on, treat yourself to a digital detox. It costs nothing and works wonders.
And if you reeeeeaaaalllly need to check your phone, only do so at selected times, and only respond to what is critical. (We often create more “busyness” the more we indulge it. So if you’re worried about needing to maintain “busyness as usual” - remember that’s the opposite of what a holiday is. It’s about relaxation and fun for a change).
Enjoy your body
When you’re on holiday, take a moment to really enjoy the time with yourself, your family and your friends. Savor each moment really leaning in to your 5 senses.
- Sight - appreciate the beauty around you with beginners eyes.
- Sound - listen to the sound of the birds, or listen deeply to what someone is sharing with you.
- Taste - Take a moment to really enjoy that glass of wine, or delicious plate of food.
- Touch - notice the warmth of the coffee mug you are holding, enjoy a massage, or a simple hug.
- Breath - Notice how your breath is connected to your relaxation and stress levels, and take a couple of deep breaths to relax your posture, body and mind.
When you’re in your body, you can start to notice and appreciate what a beautiful day it is, the love and affection of someone close to you, and the abundance you already have available to you.
And this is where gratitude naturally arises. Like happiness, you can't have gratitude unless you're present.
Wellbeing - it’s not just for the holidays!
So how can we use all of this and apply it so that you remain present, happy and effective all the time, not just during the holidays?
The key, if you haven’t already worked it out, is using your body as a vehicle to switch off the over-thinking mind and access key states of resourcefulness,creativity, empathy and flow. This is why meditation, yoga, nature, running and other such practices are so powerful.
However, these don’t always work in the moment when you’re being triggered, or when going for a run or getting the yoga mat out may not be a viable option.
I love the PositiveIntelligence approach of using short bursts of Mental Fitness "reps" throughout the day using breath and your senses, to strengthen the part of your brain that serves you, and quieten the part that sabotages you.
An effective example of this is focusing on what you can see / hear in the near and the far distance, or rubbing your thumb and index finger together, paying deep attention to feeling the fingerpad ridges on each finger-pad.
This instantly quietens your brain, and allows you to step into the present, with a calm, more focused and objective mind. And the more you practice building your mental fitness “muscles”, the more you get to handle whatever life throws at you positively and constructively, and without the stress.
You get to step into peak performance AND wellbeing – knowing that they are in fact part of the same thing, and not two opposing forces.
Go with the flow!
So, just in case you DIDN’T need a good excuse to take a break or go on holiday, trust me when I say you will be happier, healthier and more effective when you do!
Taking regular breaks are essential for your performance and wellbeing.
And if you can’t go on holiday or take a break as often as you want, just taking a 10-minute break from your work whenever your brain is starting to flag will do the trick.And that … you can start today!
P.s. if you are curious to find out more about your Saboteurs, I highly recommend you take the Free Sabtoeur test. It only takes a few minutes and is fascinating.
Georgina Halabi is a Professional Certified Coach with over 25 years of senior roles within business and marketing, and a lifetime of experience in meditation and self-discovery. It has always been essential for her to balance two fundamental needs: outer success and inner peace.
Today Georgina helps highly motivated, self-aware professionals to achieve peak performance and wellbeing – not one at the expense of the other.
Using a unique blend of whole-brain coaching that incorporates neuroscience, positive intelligence, NLP and visualisation techniques, Georgina work to resolve and align conflicting internal tensions that hinder personal and professional growth, creating the space to focus talent and energy where it most counts.
Book a free coaching session: https://georginahalabi.youcanbook.me/