Seven Quick Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Seven Quick Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

There is an assumption that coaches, especially those who work in the “balance space” have everything in order. That life is smooth, and life is a delightful, orchestrated rhythm. Let me let you into a secret. Most coaches work in these areas because they are driven to create a life that works for them, NOT because they have it all worked out! We have a wish to uncover ways to help create a life that is balanced but are often aware that it’s a work in practice, not a final destination. Today, I want to share with you seven quick ways to stop feeling overwhelmed, straight from my life experience!

I’ve always found careers, skills and the reasons why people “click” at work fascinating, but my desire to help with balance really came to the forefront when I became a parent in 2006. All of a sudden, my time wasn’t my own, my responsibilities had shifted and I had a whole host of things to consider that has never crossed my mind before. My mental load grew beyond what I thought I was capable of; I was fascinated to see how I could make this work, and still feel fulfilled in my work and life. 15 years later I’m sat at the helm of The Balance Collective, with two daughters, two cats, one husband and a house then never stops needed stuff done to it. I have somehow become a full-blown adult.

Like all of us out there, life throws us curveballs, bereavements, illness, financial concerns and relationships breakdowns, all test our resilience. I hope you’ve been looking after yours and if you are a little lost, read more about it here. Sometimes even when we have our very best intentions in place, things just get too much. The feeling of overwhelm can creep up on us slowly, or hit us with a tonne of bricks, either way, it can leave us feeling exhausted, frustrated and like we aren’t doing enough.

Today I wanted to share with the seven quick things I do to cope when I feel overwhelmed; an overview of how a coach copes when she feels overwhelmed, as trust me, no-one is immune!

Check-in on me.

If I haven’t slept well or I’m hungry, it impacts my ability to manage. So rather than declaring things are too much, I ask myself what I need. Often, it’s a snack!

Make a list.

The energy of storing all the “to-do” in my head means saps up the energy to get stuff done. So I download it all on a list to see what there is to get through. Then I can start making a plan of action (one achievable step at a time!)

Delegate, delay, dump or move?

Whilst it may feel that way, not everything needs to be done or completed by me. When I look at my list, I consider if I can do any of the above; by doing this it helps pay attention yo what is a MUST DO and reduce the feeling of overwhelm.

Shake it off!

When I feel overwhelmed I often go into fight mode (from the infamous fight, flight or freeze!). My body feels threatened; to break this stress cycle I need to move. It may be a walk or a kitchen disco. Both works just as well.

I stop what I’m doing.

It sounds counter-intuitive, but when I’m overwhelmed I do produce my best work or show up as the best version of me. So, I stop. Not forever, but long enough to work through the points above and come back to my responsibilities with more clarity and focus.

Remind myself of my “why”.

If you want to be blunt, it’s simply “what’s the point?” It’s easy to lose sight of the reason behind what we do; when I find things overwhelming, I remind myself of my values (security, flexibility, family, fun, challenge) and make sure my day still has these in them.

I talk – even more than usual!

It’s easy when you are feeling overwhelmed to withdraw. To internalise the frustration and fear; this can lead to emotional burnout or catastrophic thinking (often both). So, I share the load – either with someone that can help me practically or someone that can talk me through the feelings.


This article was written by Clara Wilcox a Coach at The Balance Collective and was originally published in January 2021 here

Clara Wilcox is a straight talking, practical and experienced coach helping clients navigate the tricky waters of returning to work, career changes and professional development. The Balance Collective has a social mission, focused on improving the lives of parents, by working together to build inner confidence and promote a healthy work/life balance.

If you would like to join a group of over 500 people, who happen to be parents, creating a career to enjoy, come to Clara's Facebook Group.

If you are looking to work with her as a coach or trainer, then book a time slot to talk about the best support for you.

clock Originally Released On 27 September 2022


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