An interview with ... Caroline Criado-Perez
Caroline Criado-Perez, a journalist and feminist campaigner, successfully led the campaign to reinstate a woman on English banknotes. She spoke to WorkLife Central members late last year about gender equality and being a feminist. Here’s another chance to hear about her career experiences and aspirations.
Q. Why did you choose your career?
I fell into it really. Journalism was something I’d always wanted to do, but initially I couldn’t see a clear path to doing it. It seemed like more a case of chance and I’d have to convince an editor (male, I presumed) to agree to take me on. So I tried to put it out of my head. And then later on, the internet meant I could just start publishing myself.
Q. What’s your biggest achievement to date?
Finishing a book!
Q. What’s the toughest choice you have been faced with when juggling work commitments and your life outside work?
I don’t think there’s particularly one tough choice — it’s more of an ongoing one, which is my belief that I will probably never be able to have children because of the career I am trying to make for myself.
Q. In your view, what would help to achieve true gender and pay equality in the workplace?
24 hour free, quality childcare provided by the state and mandated equal maternity and paternity leave.
Q. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self about progressing your career, what would it be?
Be brave.
Q. What’s the most difficult situation you’ve had to cope with at work and how did you deal with it?
Dealing with all the abuse that comes with being a woman writing in public. It’s been a steep learning curve. I’ve had to learn to shrug off what people who don’t know me say about me and learn to only worry about the opinions of people I respect.
Q. What unfulfilled ambitions do you have?
I’d love to write a novel. I fully intend to one day!
Q. What do you wish you had spent more/less time on when you look back over your professional life, and life outside work?
I wish I had spent less time worrying and procrastinating out of worry, both in and outside work.