Eliza's blog: The Art of Gratitude

clock Released On 16 July 2024

Eliza's blog: The Art of Gratitude

I had a quick read of my last blog prior to writing this, as I do before I write my next. I am glad to say my ankle injury has now healed and I can actually run over 5km. I wouldn’t yet say this is ‘easily’ done, but I can do it. Being able to run that distance is a huge development for me and something my twin brother helped me to achieve. A few weeks ago, Henry came to my room and told me to put my trainers on; I sort of just went along with it. He told me to match his pace and that I could stop if I wanted, but I was determined not to. I am grateful he did that, as I don’t think I would have been able to do it otherwise. This got me thinking about what else I am grateful for.

A new shop has opened in my local shopping centre, called Søstrene Grene. It is a Danish shop full of all the wonderful bits and bobs you never knew you needed. For just shy of £1.50 I bought myself a gratitude journal. I’ll be honest, sometimes I find those things a little artificial, trying to remind yourself of all the great things in the world, when quite frankly you’ve had a terrible day. However, I bought it regardless because I liked the flower pattern on the front. Every page is the same, and each day you write down three things you are grateful for, what you’re proud of and what made you smile. It really gets me thinking about how easy it would be to write about the argument I had with my sister or the fact I spilt curry sauce down my favourite white jumper. However, writing in the journal means I am forced to change my mindset and think of all the positive things I am grateful for. These are simple things like fresh bedding, the sun shining, the amazing friends I have, but it reminds me there is always something good to focus on each day. Some days I am grateful for the rain, I like the sound it makes when I am lying in bed and it helps me to fall asleep. When my pen hits that page, I am consciously thinking about the little things I have to be thankful for.

This morning, I had a cinnamon swirl from the café at work. The pastry was soft and it was full of the cinnamon filling, so I am grateful for whoever made that. I am also grateful it was not 25 degrees in London today, as those days make me feel like I am physically melting in the office. To appreciate the better days, you have to experience the not so good ones. The bad days won’t last forever, but they will if you focus on the negative things that happen to you. Count this as a reminder to think of three things you are grateful for today, I can guarantee you that you’ll feel better for it!

Eliza (23), works in HR at an Investment Bank in the City of London. When she is not at work she spends her time playing netball, seeing friends and exploring all the coffee shops South West London has to offer.


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