clock Released On 09 November 2015

Sarah's blog: Adrenal Fatigue

I work full time in the City and have 3 children. Getting an average of 5 hours sleep per night and spending every waking moment running around either at work or with the family means that naturally I am tired all the time. I thought I was pretty savvy with my diet, so I was somewhat sceptical when a nutritionist told me I had something called adrenal fatigue.

It is not well known and easily dismissed by those with busy lifestyles (as well as many doctors) since we assume that all most of us need is some sleep to get us back on track. However, I thought I could share some insights into this condition with others who are too busy to worry about such things. Looking at it has provided me with some "quick fixes" and good tactics to stay on top of life, and I think it should be helpful to many busy people! In fact, the ways to fight this are based around the positive principles of building up your energy levels, lowering stress and leading a healthier lifestyle.

Some simple recommendations:

Eat more protein

Do not leave too long between meals, and this includes making sure you eat within 30 minutes of waking (there are lots of healthy snacks I keep in a tupperware by my desk at work plus I eat 2 breakfasts)

Eat more cooked vegetables

Meditate at least 10 minutes per day

Cut down/out sugar, alcohol and caffeine

Sleep more

Turn my electronic devices off after 9pm


Some of my initial reactions to these recommendations:

I had absolutely no clue how much protein would be in anything and how could I avoid putting on lots of weight given I have doubled the number of meals/snacks I am eating! So I started to use MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone and it has revolutionised my life (and my husband ended up using it too!)

Meditation? That was not exactly my "thing" plus if I don't have enough time to sleep, how will I find time to meditate? I resisted this step the most as I always like to be active. BUT, I was introduced to this remarkable app called "Headspace" and I now love it. If I am worried about anything, can't get to sleep, had a very busy day or need to relax before an important meeting, this does the job nicely. Any kind of downtime is essential if meditation just does not work out for you.

Cutting out the only treats that keep me going? I have a very sweet tooth, always looked  forward to a glass of something after a particularly tough day and how many people can't even function until they have had some coffee first thing? Well, I admit that was not easy, but with MyFitnessPal there to help keep an eye on me and my husband joining in my healthy-living quest, I have cut down (although not out) those as well.

As for sleeping more, that just won't happen, but I do use sleeptime oils and have added magnesium to my diet, so the quality has definitely improved

I must admit my phone stays on after 9, but no one's perfect....

Sarah works in asset management and is married with 3 children.


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